Well.. well, well, I’m proud to say that it has been a great year so far for those of us in the Dynamics world. I don’t think that I’ve ever had a year like this one where there were so many wonderful changes. Seriously, MS just went out and purchased all the ISV’s and threw them in the product.. Just joking. The purpose of this last meeting is to just sit back and have a good time and enjoy the ride with your fellow Dynamics compatriots from other companies. We have a good group of people coming and the event is nearly out of space! There is a big other announcement coming soon for the site, but this is the one that matters now.
We’ve got some great speakers lined up for you and a heck of a good time in Dallas. Besides the fun at Dave and Busters, we got some seriously awesome content coming on this one.
SourceDay — Jim Hilbert && Angelique Reis — Don’t be ashamed if you have ever had to bust out the Excel sheets to verify items because you couldn’t trust your inventory counts for planning, sales, and other essential activities. SourceDay saves the day and includes a lot of helpful information for dealing with this issue.
Dynaway — We know your curious. What’s this Enterprise Asset Management that everybody keeps talking about since Microsoft purchased it and threw it into the product. Have no fear, Jesse Zdonek breaks it down and gives us the introduction that only the software vendor who sold the stuff to Microsoft could provide.
And last but not least.. have Fun.. It’s been a good year and a lot of hard work. Note: the venue of Dave and Busters was specifically chosen with this in mind. Get to know your other nice people/implementations around Dallas! See everybody on November 8th — note the event is short on space, but we’ll have another one next year and announce it early so everyone can attend.