How to Configure Advanced Features for Tracking the Progress of Picking Work Through Outbound Workload Visualization in Dynamics 365

How to Configure Advanced Features for Tracking the Progress of Picking Work Through Outbound Workload Visualization in Dynamics 365

Picking Work Process | Warehouse Processes | Work Pool | Work Priority | Outbound Workload Visualization

What is Dynamics 365?

Given the dynamic nature of businesses and the probability of encountering unique scenarios, it is becoming more necessary for software/solution providers to create applications that address shifting trends. Dynamics 365 is a complete package of services that enables all-in-one solutions, eliminating the need to pick and choose from various accessible possibilities. As a result, Microsoft Dynamics 365 may be used for the following purposes:

  1. It connects people, processes, and data across various apps, including Microsoft Dynamics 365, Office 365, LinkedIn, and Azure.
  2. It allows making more informed decisions using built-in artificial intelligence, analytics, and guided action recommendations.
  3. You can customize the application to your specific requirements rather than modifying your business techniques. In addition, with Microsoft Power Platform, you can combine most apps with current systems or even change them.
  4. You can modernize your strategy by adding artificial intelligence, mixed reality, social media, and mobile capabilities for progressive business innovation.

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Microsoft Dynamics 365 is a comprehensive suite of services that provides all-in-one solutions, removing the need to choose from a variety of available options. Microsoft Power Platform enables you to integrate or replace the majority of applications with existing systems. Additionally, you may update your approach by including capabilities for progressive business innovation such as artificial intelligence, mixed reality, social media and mobile.

New Trends in Dynamics 365

Real-time analytics and insights into company data will enable you to manage and expand your firm more effectively on a global scale. Enhancements to usability will allow business users to see, filter, and store optimum views of data, resulting in increased productivity for routine operations. Microsoft’s roadmap for future releases contains several more features aimed at meeting the expanding expectations of business users, and the company will continue to extend the integration capabilities of its products to accommodate these customers’ different requirements and specialized niches. The following is a list of new features anticipated in wave 2 of the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain 2020 release roadmap for advanced warehousing:

  • Order-committed reservation based on license plates
  • Confirm outbound shipments from batch jobs
  • Visualization of outbound workload
  • Overview of the work pick-up line
  • Enhancements to incoming work policies
  • From the warehouse app, create and handle transfer orders
  • Handle warehouse application events
  • Manually picking up sales lines

Businesses now, more than ever, must be agile and adapt quickly to changing business realities. One of the most significant consequences of the COVID-19 epidemic has been the disruption of supply networks. This topic discusses the new feature of outbound workload visualization and goes into depth regarding its functionalities.


This article addresses the newly introduced feature of outbound workload visualization and delves into its functionality in detail of a new feature expected in wave 2 of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain 2020’s advanced warehousing.

What is Outbound Workload Visualization?

This is a function of D365 that gives a visual representation of outgoing workloads and picking progress to warehouse managers, supervisors, and employees. Additionally, this tool provides a configurable visual representation of outgoing workloads in the warehouse, allowing them to monitor the progress of activities. The functionality is coupled with labor management, and when labor-management is enabled, the visualization may show the remaining hours for choosing work. Warehouse managers and supervisors may construct customized workload charts to track and present work status. Warehouse managers may build several views and configure them to update automatically.

Warehouse managers and supervisors may easily construct bespoke workload charts and filter the data to concentrate on the most relevant parts. Get in touch with us as Dynatuners offers a cutting-edge help desk solution for resolving all of your Microsoft Stack technical issues.


KPIs for Warehouse Management

KPI Definition


Shipping Time Shipping time refers to the time required for a business to fulfil an order on or before the desired date. This is a critical statistic for client satisfaction. Organizations often pair it with the on-time shipment KPI


Order Accuracy Order accuracy is a metric used to determine the quantity of inventory on hand and the correctness of order picks. Without high order accuracy, businesses may have stunted production or sales, losing time and money.


Perfect Order The perfect order, also known as the perfect client order rate, is a key performance indicator (KPI) that indicates how many orders ship without incident (damage, delays or inaccuracies). This statistic is another key performance indicator that measures customer satisfaction.


On-Time in-Full On-time in-full refers to the number of shipments delivered in accordance with the amount and schedule indicated when the order is placed. This is often seen as a client-centric indicator, since it quantifies the frequency with which a customer receives what they requested on the date promised.


Number of Shipments The number of shipments indicates how many loads your business sent over a certain time period. By examining the averages of this KPI, businesses can maximize their resources and achieve their financial objectives.


This feature of D365 that provides warehouse managers, supervisors, and staff with a visual depiction of outgoing workloads and picking progress. The functionality when coupled with labor management allows managers to construct customized workflow charts, configure and update automatically.

Outbound Workload Visualization in D365

Advanced configuration tools available from the outbound workload visualization page enable warehouse managers and supervisors to generate customized workload charts for monitoring the progress of present work and the remaining burden. Warehouse managers may build as many views as they like and configure automatic refresh as needed. Visualizations of outbound workloads are appropriate for inclusion on warehouse performance pages.

The capability is coupled with labor management, and when labor-management is configured, outbound workload visualizations may estimate the remaining hours for the picking tasks.


Managers may create customized workload charts to track the status of current projects and the remaining workload. It adds additional data items to facilitate the viewing of current workforce assignments.

How to Turn on the Outbound Workload Visualization Feature

This functionality must be enabled in your system before it can be used. Admins may verify the status of a feature and will allow it to use the feature management options. The feature is listed in the following manner in the feature management workspace:

  • Warehouse management module
  • Feature named as outbound workload visualization
  • Create visualizations of outbound workloads

To construct visualizations, you create a collection of filters (views) and customize each filter to display a distinct information. The Configure filters page is where you design the filters.


Admins may check a feature’s status and give it permission to utilize the feature management options. In doing so, you first establish a set of filters (views) and then tweak each one to show different data.

Functional Walkthrough of Outbound Workload Visualization in D365

Outbound Workload Visualization

  Step 1

Use feature management to turn on the outbound workload visualization policies feature if you haven’t already turned it on.

  Step 2

In the Feature management workspace, the feature is listed in the following way:

  • Module: Warehouse management
  • Feature name: Outbound workload visualization

  Step 3

Click Enable Now.

  Step 4

Go to Warehouse management > Warehouse monitoring reports > Outbound workload visualization.

  Step 5

On the Outbound workload visualization page, on the Action Pane, on the Filters tab, select Configure filters.

  Step 6

On the Configure filters page, on the Action Pane, select New to add a filter, and then set the following fields for it:

  • Filter name – Enter a name for this filter (zone vs. work status).
  • Description – Enter a short description for this filter (zone vs. work status).
  • X-axis group table – Select Locations.
  • Go X-axis group – Select Zone ID.
  • X-axis value table – Select Work because you want to view work per zone.
  • X-axis value field – Select Work status because you want to view work status.
  • Auto-refresh – Select whether the visualization should automatically be refreshed.
  • Picking type – Select initial and staged picks because you want to include both initial picks and picks from staging locations. In other words, you essentially want to include all the pick work lines that you have.
  • Display level – Select Open lines because you want to view the information per line, not per work header.
  • Site – Select site 2 to load the chart.
  • Warehouse – Select warehouse 24 to load the chart.
  • Days to include – Enter the number of days (1) in the past that the chart should be generated for.
  • Work order type – Select the outbound work order types to filter on.

  Step 7

Close the Configure filters page to return to the outbound workload visualizations page.

  Step 8

The Outbound workload visualizations page now shows data based on your new filter settings. Your new filter is now available. Select it in the Filter field.


Following the above steps will help you to set up an outbound workload visualization.

Benefits of Visualizing Outbound Workload

Depending on your industry, you may be unaware of your warehouse’s outbound burden for the current week or even the present day. This indicates that workload measured in terms of warehouse tasks (WTs), warehouse orders (WOs), or outbound delivery orders (ODOs) is insufficient and does not reflect the anticipated workload. Outbound actions begin immediately after a consumer places an order in certain circumstances. Therefore, estimating future workloads and planning the necessary staffing levels is challenging. Microsoft has made significant investments in the WMS capabilities of Dynamics 365 SCM during the last several years. In particular, support for outgoing warehouse procedures such as pick, pack, and ship has been enhanced.

Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management

However, until today, D365 SCM lacked a robust mechanism for tracking picking status in the warehouse. As a result, I was glad to find that the recently released 10.0.16 contained the new outbound workload visualization capability. The Outbound workload visualization enables basic visualizations of outbound warehouse activities in progress.

The Outbound workload visualization tool lets you create a visualization based on work and location parameters. The pick work is represented graphically by a column bar chart (as you know it from Excel or Power BI). Examples of usual visualizations include warehouse, zone, or wave work progress. Additionally, the visualizations may be configured to update automatically every n’th minute – ensuring that they always present the most current job progress status.


Basic visualizations of outbound warehouse operations in process are possible with the outbound workload visualization feature. Learn about reducing freight charges with shipment consolidation in our blog section. These visualizations keep personnel informed of task progress and also indicate the status of outgoing warehouse operations.

Recent Advancements in Cloud Platforms

Microsoft recently stated in September 2020 its intention to introduce cloud and edge scale units. The platform should provide some of the long-awaited hybrid deployment features demanded by manufacturing and distribution firms that use Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management (formerly known as Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations). The approach introduces the notion of cloud and edge scale units, enabling users to spread warehouse and manufacturing workloads. The warehouse execution workload’s first release supports incoming and outbound activities and internal warehouse mobility. In addition, it makes use of warehouse orders, which have been introduced to the system to facilitate the transfer of warehouse work to scale units.


Incoming and outbound activities, as well as internal warehouse mobility, are supported in the first release of the warehouse execution workload. Furthermore, it employs warehouse orders that have been entered into the system.

At Instructor Brandon | Dynatuners, we always seek innovative methods to improve your competitiveness and suit your Microsoft Dynamics 365 requirements. Our offerings are founded on defined procedures, industry experience, and product understanding. If you’re interested in consulting with our specialists on how to improve your warehousing workloads, don’t hesitate to Contact Us.

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h2″ question-0=”What features does outbound workload visualization provide? ” answer-0=”The Outbound workload visualization feature shows the status of outbound warehouse procedures in a simple manner. The visualizations are designed to be presented on warehouse displays to keep employees informed of job progress. The Outbound workload visualization tool enables you to create a visualization based on any of the work and location parameters. The pick work is represented graphically by a column bar chart like Excel or Power BI. Examples of usual visualizations include work progress by warehouse, zone, or wave. ” image-0=”” headline-1=”h2″ question-1=”What is the purpose of having warehouse management outbound workload visualization?” answer-1=”Warehouse management outbound workload visualization is intended to offer warehouse managers, supervisors, and employees with a visual representation of outbound workloads and selecting task progress. ” image-1=”” headline-2=”h2″ question-2=”How does having a warehouse management outbound workload visualization aid warehouse management processes? ” answer-2=”Outbound workload visualizations can display a computation of the remaining hours for the picking task. ” image-2=”” count=”3″ html=”true” css_class=””]
