Category Archives: Announcements

D365 Saturdays on March 10th in Dallas

Oh, can you feel it?  Free Training, awesome presentations, and it’s all volunteer driven.  I [...]

If you miss the Dynamics 365 Tech Conference in the USA

It’s time to “spill the beans”. You have to give Microsoft a lot of credit [...]

September 14th is our last Bash of the Year for the Dallas AXUG Chapter at Microsoft Campus

Wow, what a year for our Dallas Chapter!! Everyone has been so friendly and nice.  It’s [...]

Dallas/Fort Worth AXUG is Back, Last Chance to Register for Tomorrow

I normally don’t post something like this, but I’m really excited about our newly relaunched [...]

Availability for Next Project

Lately, I’ve had a lot of questions asking for availability. It is always an honor [...]

Site being updated on 12/15/2012

So, I planned on having the initial version of the site finished by 11/01/2012.  However, [...]

My first free course is coming out on 11-01-2012

SharePoint End User — a 2 hour course covering the core fundamentals of the product [...]