Questions and Must-Haves for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Training

Questions and Must-Haves for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Training

Questions and Must-Haves for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Training

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Training

Wanna reveal the benefits of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Training? But first you need to understand what actually training is. Training is the foundation on which a business solution’s success is built. Therefore, if you don’t train your team, your business may experience a severe knock-on effect—and believe me when I say that I have seen that happen a lot of times (and it is not a good sightseeing, I can assure you that)—. In this way, you can’t compromise your business operations due to a lack of training. If your people aren’t engaging with the systems they use, your overall processes are likely to slump too. This is why having a qualified team is necessary to implement any system successfully.

Overall, an unengaged team can be hugely expensive for your business. It can lead to lower productivity and high employee turnover. So, training your team more than an expense is an investment, which is why you need to ensure quality training if you want to align your human capital with your tech resources.

Moreover, if you are wondering what the best way of learning is, we must agree with Benjamin Franklin by saying that the best way to learn is to experience it. Don’t you agree? After all, he used to say, ‘Tell me, I forget. Teach me, I remember. Involve me, I learn.

In short, if you want successful results, you need to make sure your team understands the system—and so do you— its functions, and how to implement its applications efficiently. Luckily, there are some places to find excellent Dynamics 365 training.

To ensure that you choose the best Microsoft Dynamics training provider for your organization, make sure you do your research. This process involves asking particular questions and considering must-haves for dynamics 365 training.

Ask the following questions:

1. Is your training customized or off-the-shelf, and how can it help us meet our goals?

Dynamics 365 includes several off-the-shelf features, but this doesn’t mean that your training should be off-the-shelf as well. Your organization may have unique goals concerning Dynamics 365, and your training provider should be prepared to deliver a program that can help you meet these goals. Make sure you ask about their track record of developing and delivering bespoke courses to other companies in your industry. Ask for references as well.

2. Is your training scalable and extendable?

You should also consider scalability before choosing a Microsoft Dynamics training provider. Suppose you need to have a large number of people trained, especially in functionally- or geographically-dispersed locations. In that case, it’s essential to confirm that your provider has the necessary people and infrastructure to deliver the results you need.

3. How often do you update your course content to maintain relevance?

It’s critical to ensure that your training provider is not offering outdated course material. If this happens, your organization could easily find itself left behind. Make sure you choose a Microsoft Dynamics training provider that updates their courses regularly and not just once or twice a year. This makes it the only way to ensure that the material reflects the latest information and that your people learn what’s relevant to their work today.

4. Who writes the training content?

Dynamics 365 experts know the platform from both a technical and business perspective, or ‘generalist’ instructional designers who know course design best practices but are not necessarily Dynamics experts. Microsoft 365 is both a technical and business solution, so the writers should be well-versed in both aspects.

5. Does your course focus more on theory or real-world practice?

Microsoft Dynamics 365 is a real-world application, and the training your workforce receives should reflect this. Instead of just teaching the theory—which can be very difficult to internalize when someone is maybe returning to the workplace after a break—the course should also show them how to apply their learnings to real-world business problems.

Look for a Dynamics 365 training provider that delivers a good combination of state-of-the-art presentation technology, updated training material, and hands-on practice that’s consistent with today’s demanding Dynamics 365 work environment.

6. What are your instructors’ qualifications?

Some of the people in your organization who will be using Dynamics 365 may already have a good level of expertise in the platform. The instructor (or instructors) should be able to take this knowledge to the next level. But they must also be able to tailor their teaching style and material in a way that makes sense to novice users.

That’s why it’s critical to check out the caliber of the instructors. Ask your Microsoft Dynamics training provider for information on their qualifications, real-world experience of Microsoft Dynamics 365, in addition to the level and frequency of the instructor training they receive.

Why get Microsoft Dynamics 365 Training?

According to the PwC “23rd Annual Global CEO Survey,” CEOs whose businesses provide more advanced upskilling programs—a clear commitment to developing employees’ capabilities and advancing their technical, soft, and digital skills, improved engagement, innovation, and ability to attract and retain talent.”

In other words, you can help increase your company’s ROI by encouraging and supporting Dynamics 365 training.

What should an Instructor provide you?

If you decide to invest in training your team, you need to make sure the training program provides the right learning techniques during the lessons. Some of the basics for these instructor-led techniques include minimizing distractions such as cell phones or instant messaging during classes, giving frequent breaks, etc.

Some of the Instructor-Led Microsoft Dynamics 365 training must-haves are listed below:  

Why should you learn Microsoft Dynamics 365?

Hands-on is Essential

Every training should have a hands-on component; the proper ratio is 1/3 instructor-led content to 2/3 hands-on exercises. One of the best ways to learn about something is by doing it. After all, people tend to learn best by doing, so having adequate hands-on time is very important to reinforce learning.

Training Materials

Every training program should include custom training materials that allow the student to understand how the system works and what are the best practices. Our training programs are customized, which is extremely valuable for the initial training and as a take-away tool for the users and new employees.

Follow the Four-Hour Rule

In my experience I’ve noticed that a normal class should be longer than four hours. This is why our lessons take between two and four hours—no more than that after all, we don’t want to overwhelm you with super long lessons.

Management & Executives

Another significant deficiency I have seen in implementations is failing to engage the management & executive teams with the business solution. This is why they need to be trained with a different approach.

Dynamics 365 offers great tools for managers and executives, including Goal Management, automatic notifications on KPI’s, dashboards, and more. At Instructor Brandon we continuously engage the management & executive teams and provide training uniquely to them.

Business Process

Training should be based on business processes. Dynamics 365 is a complex platform that provides many forms to complete different tasks. Every training program should include business processes and show one way to achieve different tasks. If a trainer doesn’t specify how users should perform tasks, they leave it up to them to decide. This causes a lack of consistency and downstream challenges with reporting.

Let’s look at this example.

If you assign a lead to a sales representative, their follow-up requirements, the way he or she will update the record, and how they decide to disqualify a lead? This is an important part of the sales process. In this way, if the sales representative does not provide details on how the business process is going, he or she can jeopardize the workflow.

Include Real-life Scenarios as much as possible

This means providing you with the real-world benefits of using the software. We encourage students to share their own stories about how complex their workflows are without Dynamics 365 or how much frustration they had with their previous software.

In this way, our goal is not only to train but also to inspire and motivate your team.

Ask Questions throughout the Training

To ensure a complete understanding of the different topics, we try to engage students during the entire process by offering mentoring sessions. In these sessions, they can ask any questions to their instructors.

Quality training is fundamental for any organization. If you really want to make the most out of your ERP and CRM and align your operational processes at its best to achieve your business goals, don’t waste any more time and check out programs. After all, a well-trained team is key to a successful implementation.

Why Should You Learn Microsoft Dynamics 365 in the first place?

Learning Dynamics 365 can help you build the skills you need to improve as a professional and gain the expertise that will position you as a valuable member of any business.

Also, by learning about Dynamics 365 teams can access practical tools that improve customer relationships and productivity. It also offers managers and executives powerful insights about the business performance.

Moreover, there are a lot of benefits of learning Microsoft Dynamics 365, both from a company perspective and a career perspective. Here are some of the top advantages:

Benefits of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Training for Businesses

Streamlining Sales Processes: Dynamics 365 provides sales teams access to valuable customer data and insights from any multiple devices. The D365 sales module helps you manage sales workflows and allows you to create proposals and contracts on the go. Implementing the sales module can help you reduce your sales cycle and create more targeted selling experiences.

Understanding Your Customer’s Needs: Dynamics 365 brings together valuable data about your customers in your database, including their buying patterns, favorite web-sites and more. With this information you are able to connect at a human level with your customers and prospects.

Flexibility and Lower Costs: D365 is more accessible than other CRMs. In this sense, Microsoft provides several pricing options depending on your budget and team size. But this level of flexibility goes beyond pricing. In this way, D365 offers multiple modules and workflow tools that you can use to tailor the platform to your KPIs and goals. You can also use customization tools to create additional fields and objects in the system according to your business needs.

Increase employee satisfaction: Lifelong learning is a necessity in today’s world. Plus, it contributes to a sense of job satisfaction and helps boost employee confidence. When members of your team earn certifications in Dynamics 365, they can make a more significant impact—not only on their careers but also on your company’s success.

Benefits of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Training

Benefits of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Training for Career Growth

Improving your Productivity with Microsoft Dynamics 365, you won’t have to worry about wasting time transferring data between multiple applications to complete one task. And Microsoft Dynamics 365 seamlessly integrates with the entire Office 365 suite. This integration enables you to send an email in Outlook, analyze data in Power BI, or locate SharePoint documentation with a few clicks.

Becoming More Hirable: Dynamics 365’s revenue growth in the first few months of 2019 was up 43 percent. The platform isn’t going anywhere, and the more companies adopt it, the more they’ll need people who are familiar with its intricacies.

Boosting Your Salary: Learning (and getting certified in) Dynamics 365 can increase your salary. A recent survey found that one-third of respondents received an increase in pay after obtaining a Microsoft Dynamics CRM certification.

Conclusion: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Training

As Microsoft Dynamics 365 is growing exponentially, so does its demand. Many businesses are seeing the benefits of implementing this system with the support of their qualified teams. Now it is your turn too! As you could see in this article, Microsoft certifications will help separate yourself from the crowd by adding a set of technical skills that are extremely valuable nowadays. This is why by getting certified, you’ll be opening new doors to push your career further and explore new opportunities.

At Instructor Brandon, we provide world-class training in Microsoft Dynamics 365 to organizations of all sizes and industries. We work closely with every client to develop relevant, real-world, and fully customized training that is perfectly contextualized to their desired learning outcomes. If you’re interested in training for your career growth or for your business don’t hesitate to contact us.

Additionally, if you want to know more about our Dynamics 365 training programs and how you can benefit your modern organization, get in touch.

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h2″ question-0=”Why get Microsoft Dynamics 365 Training?” answer-0=”According to the PwC 23rd Annual Global CEO Survey, CEOs whose businesses provide more advanced upskilling programs – a clear commitment to developing employees’ capabilities and advancing their technical, soft, and digital skills, improved engagement, innovation, and ability to attract and retain talent. In other words, you can help increase your company’s ROI by encouraging and supporting Dynamics 365 training.” image-0=”” headline-1=”h2″ question-1=”Why Should You Learn Microsoft Dynamics 365 in the first place?” answer-1=”Learning Dynamics 365 can help you build the skills you need to improve as a professional and gain the expertise that will position you as a valuable member of any business. Also, by learning about Dynamics 365 teams can access practical tools that improve customer relationships and productivity. It also offers managers and executives powerful insights about the business performance.” image-1=”” headline-2=”h2″ question-2=”Benefits of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Training for Career Growth” answer-2=”Improving your Productivity with Microsoft Dynamics 365, you won’t have to worry about wasting time transferring data between multiple applications to complete one task. And Microsoft Dynamics 365 seamlessly integrates with the entire Office 365 suite. This integration enables you to send an email in Outlook, analyze data in Power BI, or locate SharePoint documentation with a few clicks. ” image-2=”” count=”3″ html=”true” css_class=””]
